You might find it difficult to believe but it is actually possible for people to have naturally purple eyes. Most people associate this captivating eye colour with fictional characters and mystical beings. It is extremely rare and distinctive and is a common trait among individuals with albinism. Sometimes also commonly referred to as violet eyes, this eye colour is seen as spiritual and enchanting because of its extreme rarity. Purple contact lenses are a popular choice for individuals who want to achieve a mesmerising amethyst eye colour.
How rare are violet eyes?
Less than 1% of the world’s population has purple eyes. In fact, it is one of the rarest eye colours an individual can have, along with the colour red.

What causes this unique eye colour?
The levels of melanin in the iris of your eye are what control your natural eye colour. Melanin is a brown pigment and so people with higher amounts of melanin normally have a darker skin tone, darker hair and darker eye colour. Depending on your genetics, you may have a low or high amount of melanin.
The levels of melanin in your iris affect how much light gets in and is reflected out. People with lighter-coloured eyes, for example, blue or purple, have less melanin in their iris. More light is therefore reflected back out, giving the eyes their paler appearance.
People with purple eyes tend to have a hereditary condition known as albinism that causes a low amount of melanin to be produced in the body. People with albinism will often have less melanin in their skin, hair and eyes as a result. For some individuals, it will affect just their eyes and this condition is called ocular albinism. Blood vessels underneath the eyes become more visible and this is the reason why a person with albinism might appear to have very pale blue, violet, red or even pink eyes.
Did Elizabeth Taylor have purple eyes?
Talented and glamorous actress Elizabeth Taylor was believed to have purple eyes. However, we are sorry to say that this was actually just a myth. In truth, her eyes were blue and while they may have looked a violet colour in some photographs, this was actually an illusion created by her makeup, clothing and the lighting at the time.

What do real purple eyes look like?
Another form of blue eyes, violet-coloured eyes are very distinctive. The iris of the eye tends to have a very particular structure with a low amount of melanin pigment that causes light to be scattered in a certain way. It is normally a very light blueish-purple colour, similar to the violet flower.
What glasses will suit violet eyes?
Whether you have natural violet eyes, wear purple contacts to stand out or are dressing up for a cosplay event, you can create a truly mystical look with the right pair of glasses to match. A purple or pink frame will complement this eye colour perfectly. If you want to highlight the vibrancy of the violet colour in your eyes, go for a simple black or navy design which will draw focus and outline them perfectly. However, if you really want to turn heads and show off the unique qualities of your violet eye colour, enhance their naturally striking appearance with a contrasting colour like green, orange or yellow.